My dear friends in Christ, we have completed the history revolving within the mystery of our redemption, starting with Christ birth in Bethlehem to the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday. Today, we have come to celebrate one of the Most Solemn Feast in the Church-the Most Blessed Trinity. On this solemn day, the holy Mother Church invites us to reflect prayerfully of about God, His Love, Grace and Communion of life. The best descriptive approach we can give about God, is the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity. That is, the God who is love-the Father, God who is Gracious-the Son, and God who is fellowship-the Holy Spirit. On these revolve the readings of this Sacred Liturgy. It is our ancient tradition, doctrine and faith of the church which our Lord unveiled for us, the apostles preached, and the church fathers preserved-says St. Athanasius. The holy Mother Church continually prays and desires that her children should know the one who is the object of the faith. The Church places this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity right after Pentecost because without the Holy Spirit, the Church cannot know, believe, accept, proclaim or celebrate the Most Holy Trinity. It is a feast that helps us to underscore to some extent the nature of our God. That is to say that, our God is the greatest giver, the greatest lover and greatest companion. In the first reading of this Liturgy, we hear God telling Moses what kind of God, he is:‘a God of tenderness and compassion, rich in kindness and faithfulness’. He is a faithful God, full of tenderness and compassion, who understands our human needs. He never fails to care for us, even in our stubbornness of heart. As a matter of fact, God revealed himself to us most clearly through his Son Jesus. He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son for our redemption. Jesus came to teach us who God is. He tells us something very extraordinary, something not easy to understand but wonderful. Hence, it is only in Jesus, we come to realize that God is our Father. He went further to teach us that he and father are one, so Jesus is not only the begotten Son of God but also God. Again, he tells us that the Father and himself will send their Spirit to us, the Holy Spirit. We recall that for the past two Sundays he spoke about the Holy Spirit. These three persons in one God is what we celebrate today. We call it the feast of the Blessed Trinity. It means, there is one God only, but there are three persons who share this way of being God. As Catholics, we begin our Sacred worship and other forms of prayers with the invocation of the Holy Trinity. This truth is something so great that our human mind cannot understand it fully. It is a mystery beyond our human explanation. Jesus has come to tell us that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is only one God, but there are three persons who share everything together. In this we see the unity of purpose among the three persons of the Trinity. Each one and three of them together, share in the same tenderness, the same compassion, the same kindness and the same faithfulness: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit our Friend and Helper. As we hear this message today, what is our reaction? How do we respond? We need to respond like Moses, about whom we heard in the first reading. Having understood that God is full of tenderness and compassion, of kindness and faithfulness, he begged God to walk with him and his people. He said, if now I have found favor in your sight, O Lord, I pray, let the Lord go with us. As followers of Christ, we need to pray like Moses. We need to appeal to God to go with us in our daily life. We need God’s guidance at this period of trials in our world. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the key, the foundation and the pinnacle of our Christian faith; it is the spiritual meeting point for all Christians. As one family of God, let us praise the Most Holy Trinity: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.