At last, we have crossed over into New Year 2024. We thank God who made it possible for us, irrespective of different challenges in 2023. I pray the year 2024 will be our turning point for a new beginning, the beginning of new life and hope, peace, good health and strength.
Thank you, my parishioners for being very supportive of the parish in your various capacities. Words are not enough to tell how happy I am and how proud I felt with you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
To all who grieved for the loss of their loved ones, and to those who have health challenges, be rest assured that you are not alone. Be strong and take heart! As 2023 is gone, so shall your troubles and pains will be over.
I pray that God will fill your life with blessings in 2024. May your New Year’s resolution, be well fulfilled. God bless you. Wishing you all a happy and blessed New Year!! Fr. Moses